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Liquid YK-11 30mL 10mg/mL

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Price: $149.99
Product ID : Liquid YK-11 30mL 10mg/mL
Manufacturer: CEM Products
Weight: 0.09 lbs
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YK11 is a promising new research compound found to be an agonist of the androgen receptor (AR) leading it to be classified as a SARM. YK11 research has also found it to possess a great ability to inhibit myostatin. These qualities have led to its growing use in muscle wasting/building research. YK11 activates the AR without causing unwanted side effects commonly associated in anabolic/androgenic research of the past.
YK11’s ability to inhibit myostatin plays a major role in its muscle and tissue building qualities. YK11 induces “myogenic differentiation of C2C12 cells and the expression of follistatin‶. Follistatin plays a vital role in the tissue building and repair of many species and research notes; “increasing the amount of follistatin, resulted in greatly increased muscle mass‶. This is clearly an important aspect to the anabolic effects seen in YK11 research and shows it’s a multifaceted compound with a wide array of research opportunities.

We are proud to offer you only the highest quality USA made YK11 for all of your research needs!

1) YK11 is a partial agonist of the androgen receptor.Kanno Y1, Hikosaka R, Zhang SY, Inoue Y, Nakahama T, Kato K, Yamaguchi A, Tominaga N, Kohra S, Arizono K, Inouye Y.
2) Selective androgen receptor modulator, YK11, regulates myogenic differentiation of C2C12 myoblasts by follistatin expression.Kanno Y1, Ota R, Someya K, Kusakabe T, Kato K, Inouye Y.

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