Liquid Cia 30mL 30mg/mL
Price : $74.99
Sale Price: $52.49 Click to view -
Liqui Dex 30mL 1mg/mL
Price : $54.99
Sale Price: $38.49 Click to view -
Liquid Tamox 50mL 20mg/mL
Price : $59.99
Sale Price: $41.99 Click to view -
Liquid Letro 30mL 2.5mg/mL
Price : $54.99
Sale Price: $38.49 Click to view -
Liquid V 30mL 25mg/mL
Price : $64.99
Sale Price: $45.49 Click to view -
Liquid T3 30mL 150mcg/mL
Price : $49.99
Sale Price: $34.99 Click to view -
Liquid Clomi 70mL 35mg/mL
Price : $59.99
Sale Price: $41.99 Click to view
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Terms and Conditions
CEM Terms & Conditions
ALL products and services offered are for RESEARCH purposes ONLY.
Under NO circumstances shall/should ANY of these materials be used for recreational purposes nor human consumption!
All customers are ASSUMED to be legal researchers or licensed researchers. IF you or your affiliates are NOT then WE DO NOT KNOW THIS and you will be held liable for FRAUD/DECEIT!
The materials for sale are intended for laboratory and research use only, unless otherwise stated on product labels . They are NOT for use as food additives, drugs, cosmetic, household chemicals, or other inappropriate applications. YOU MUST BE A MINIMUM OF 18 YEARS OF AGE. The listing of a material on this website does not constitute a license to, or a recommendation for its use in infringement of any patent. All of the products will be handled only by qualified and trained individuals. In purchasing these products, the customer acknowledges that there are hazards associated with their use. Customer represents and warrants to us that from customer's own independent review and study they are fully aware and knowledgeable about (I) the health and safety hazards associated with the handling of the products purchased; (II) industrial hygiene controls necessary to protect its workers from such health and safety hazards; (III) the need to adequately warn of health and safety hazards associated with products; and (IV) government regulations regarding the use of and exposure to such products. We reserve the right to limit sales of products or not to sell products to unqualified customers. IN NO EVENT SHALL Feel It Nutrition, LLC dba CEMproducts or any of it's affiliates BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, WHETHER PURCHASER'S CLAIM IN CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE. IN CONSIDERATION OF THE SALE OF PRODUCT TO PURCHASER, WHICH SALES WE WOULD NOT OTHERWISE MAKE, PURCHASER AGREES TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD US HARMLESS FROM ALL CLAIMS, EXPENSES, LOSSES AND LIABILITY OF ANY NATURE
Use of Products:
Suppliers products are intended primarily for research purposes and, unless otherwise stated on product labels, in supplier literature furnished to Buyer, are not to be used for any other purposes, including but not limited to, in vitro diagnostic purposes, in foods, drugs, medical devices, or cosmetics for humans or animals or for commercial purposes. Buyer acknowledges that the products have not been tested by supplier for safety and efficacy in food, drug, and medical device, cosmetic, commercial or any other use. Buyer expressly represents and warrants to supplier that Buyer will properly test, use, manufacture and market any products purchased from supplier and/or materials produced with products purchased from supplier in accordance with the practices of reasonable person who is an expert in the field and in strict compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, now and hereinafter enacted. Buyer further warrants to supplier that any material produced with products from supplier shall not be adulterated or misbranded within the meaning of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act and shall not be materials which may not, under Sections 404, 505, or 512 of the Act, be introduced into interstate commerce.
Buyer realizes that, since supplier products are, unless otherwise stated, intended primarily for research purposes, they may not be on the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) inventory. Buyer assumes responsibility to assure that the products purchased from supplier are approved for use under TSCA, if applicable.
Buyer has the responsibility to verify the hazards and to conduct any further research necessary to learn the hazards involved in using products purchased from supplier. Buyer also has the duty to warn Buyer's customers and any auxiliary personnel (such as freight handlers, etc.) of any risks involved in using or handling the products. Buyer agrees to comply with instructions, if any, furnished by supplier relating to the use of the products and not misuse of the products in any manner. If the products purchased from supplier are to be repackaged, relabeled or used as starting material or components of other products, Buyer will verify supplier assay of the products. No products purchased from supplier shall, unless otherwise stated, be considered to be foods, drugs, medical devices or cosmetics.
• All sales are final. (No exchanges)
• All orders shipped USPS Express will require a signature upon delivery.
• Requests for reimbursement are only granted in situations that fall under our stated company policy. ONLY the cost of the item(s) will be eligible for a refund. Shipping charges will not be refunded. Customers wishing to CANCEL an order will be charged a 10% processing fee.
• Know and understand the rules and regulations of your own nations' customs. For international orders, we only accept Credit Cards as payment method.
International customers please contact customer service regarding policies on lost product.