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Liquid S4 30mL 50mg/mL

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Sale Price: $139.99
Compared at: $199.99
You Save: $60.00
Product ID : cem-liqs4
Manufacturer: CEM Products
Weight: 0.09 lbs
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S4 is in a class of compounds called a Selective androgen receptor modulators or (SARM’s) what this means is it has effects similar to that of anabolic steroids (AAS) but S4 is much more selective in its action. This is a positive trait because there are many unwanted side effects associated with AAS administration and with a compound like S4 we are able to further research into many possible treatments for this type of compound and may be useful for the study of anabolic activity in the androgen receptor, all while cutting down on side effects.

S4 strongly binds to skeletal muscle receptors activating them but without affecting the heart, liver, skin and prostate and that’s just to name a few. S4 has shown promising results in the treatment of muscle wasting, osteoporosis, benign prostatic hypertrophy and hormone replacement therapy.

It has shown very positive in the treatment of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) while cutting down on the side effects normally seen with testosterone administration and for those battling cancer that happen to be on TRT, this is a BIG thing! This is because hormones play a big role in the growth of cancer and by limiting side effects with S4 when compared to standard testosterone treatment; the survival rate of cancer subjects may be increased.Â

The most notable effect from S4 is its positive effects on muscle growth and bone formation with a lack of side effects commonly seen with AAS administration. That means promising new treatments and advancements for not just male test subjects but female test subjects as well.

We are proud to offer you the highest quality S4 for all your research needs.

1) Effects of selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) treatment in osteopenic female rats.Kearbey JD, Gao W, Fisher SJ, Wu D, Miller DD, Dalton JT.
2) Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM) treatment prevents bone loss and reduces body fat in ovariectomized rats.Kearbey JD, Gao W, Narayanan R, Fisher SJ, Wu D, Miller DD, Dalton JT.
3) Selective androgen receptor modulator treatment improves muscle strength and body composition and prevents bone loss in orchidectomized rats.Gao W, Reiser PJ, Coss CC, Phelps MA, Kearbey JD, Miller DD, Dalton JT.
4) Pharmacodynamics of selective androgen receptor modulators.Yin D, Gao W, Kearbey JD, Xu H, Chung K, He Y, Marhefka CA, Veverka KA, Miller DD, Dalton JT.

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