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Liquid Albut 30mL 6mg/mL

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Sale Price: $31.49
Compared at: $44.99
You Save: $13.50
Product ID : cem-albu30
Manufacturer: CEM Products
Weight: 0.09 lbs
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Albuterol is an effective B2 agonist and with effects related to that of Liquid Clen. Albuterol can bind to beta 2 adrenergic receptors throughout the living organism. When the beta 2 receptors on fat cells are activated by Albuterol they also activate an enzyme in the cell that breaks up stored fat into free fatty acids. The free fatty acids then are able to leave the fat cell and act as an energy source in other tissues. This is what “fat loss‶ is and most of this free fatty energy is used by the working muscle.

Research with Albuterol has shown not just enhanced anaerobic activity but increased fat loss and possibly an anabolic effect as well. All though it is closely related to Liquid Clen its half-life differs greatly leading to more frequent administrations needed during research of this compound. This is not necessarily a bad thing as you would now have more control on dosing, spikes and drops in blood levels, possibly leading to more effective research with this beta 2 agonist.

Albuterol has shown in studies to have a (tolerance) building effect over time with regards to B2 agonist effects, which would lead to shorter research lengths possible. With a compound called Ketotifen (Keto) used along with Albuterol or Liquid Clen, research could be greatly extended in duration. Keto is known for its ability to inhibit the down regulation of beta receptors caused by compounds such as Liquid Clen or Albuterol.

Both of which have shown a great deal of positive effects in research studies and has been shown very effective at greatly enhancing fat loss and anaerobic activity.

We are proud to offer you the highest quality Albuterol available for all your research needs.

1) Characterization of the beta-adrenoceptor of the adipose cell of the rat.Tan S, Curtis-Prior PB.
2) Impaired beta-adrenergically mediated lipolysis in skeletal muscle of obese subjects.Blaak EE, Schiffelers SL, Saris WH, Mensink M, Kooi ME.
3) Desensitization effect of in vivo treatment with metaproterenol on beta1, beta2 and beta3-adrenergic responsiveness in rat adipocytes.Portillo MP, Del Barrio AS, Garcia-Calonge MA, Martinez JA.
4) Atypical beta-adrenoceptor on brown adipocytes as target for anti-obesity drugs.Arch JR, Ainsworth AT, Cawthorne MA, Piercy V, Sennitt MV, Thody VE, Wilson C, Wilson S.
5) Metabolic and physiological effects of adrenoceptor agonists and antagonists in the horse.Snow DH.
6) Some adrenomimetic drugs affecting lipolysis in human adipose tissue in vitro.Wenkeová J, Kuhn E, Wenke M.
7) Anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive effects of salbutamol on acute and chronic models of inflammation in rats: involvement of an antioxidant mechanism.Uzkeser H, Cadirci E, Halici Z, Odabasoglu F, Polat B, Yuksel TN, Ozaltin S, Atalay F.
8) Albuterol improves response to levodopa and increases skeletal muscle mass in patients with fluctuating Parkinson disease.Uc EY, Lambert CP, Harik SI, Rodnitzky RL, Evans WJ.
9) The effects of the beta-adrenergic agonist salbutamol on meat quality in pigs.Warriss PD, Kestin SC, Rolph TP, Brown SN.
10) Effects of ketotifen and Liquid Clen on beta-adrenergic receptor functions of lymphocytes and on plasma TXB-2 levels of asthmatic patients.Huszar E, Herjavecz I, Böszörmenyi-Nagy G, Slapke J, Schreiber J, Debreczeni LA.

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